Final Stages

Some experiences bring us deeper levels of knowledge, because they are connected, for some reason, to our inner self, our souls, roots, our essence, universal energy, intuition… It’s interesting to observe in life how we learn with what happens to us and what kind of ‘certainties’ and ideas we print in our path, according to the way things happen, and its natural ‘consequences’ or outputs. I’ve been going out with a deep and true smile inside of myself, even if the ‘package’ doesn’t transmit that, sometimes. And a good point is that I know WHY, it makes sense, it gives me reasons to believe what I hear inside, all this confusion. It makes me think more and more that we are here for so many reasons… And all of them make sense. There are many different levels, but there’s only one main stage, your life, and I don’t recognize any end to it…

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My Rhythm

“Rhythm is all about the world’s compass. Everything exists within a cycle. Every happening has its own timing and every action its own beat. I try to feel that clearly as time goes by. I need to communicate the rhythm that i feel and that runs in my veins. It’s like a language… It comes out naturally, without much effort. It’s a true and natural way of communication.”

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13 de Julho de 2012 · 16:55

Queria que os Portugueses

“Queria que os portugueses 
tivessem senso de humor 
e não vissem como génio 
todo aquele que é doutor 

sobretudo se é o próprio 
que se afirma como tal 
só porque sabendo ler 
o que lê entende mal 

todos os que são formados 
deviam ter que fazer 
exame de analfabeto 
para provar que sem ler 

teriam sido capazes 
de constituir cultura 
por tudo que a vida ensina 
e mais do que livro dura 

e tem certeza de sol 
mesmo que a noite se instale 
visto que ser-se o que se é 
muito mais que saber vale 

até para aproveitar-se 
das dúvidas da razão 
que a si própria se devia 
olhar pura opinião 

que hoje é uma manhã outra 
e talvez depois terceira 
sendo que o mundo sucede 
sempre de nova maneira 

alfabetizar cuidado 
não me ponham tudo em culto 
dos que não citar francês 
consideram puro insulto 

se a nação analfabeta 
derrubou filosofia 
e no jeito aristotélico 
o que certo parecia 

deixem-na ser o que seja 
em todo o tempo futuro 
talvez encontre sozinha 
o mais além que procuro.”

Agostinho da Silva

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Once upon a time there was a bear that couldn’t bare the fact that bare-naked people prefer beer rather than bears.

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Filed under inner rhythm


It doesn’t matter if you believe in God or not. Faith shows up in the most average daily moment. Anytime you deeply thing or wish something, you’re projecting ideas to the Universe… You’re letting that specific condensation of astral energy out of your body, in a way that in your head, you really want and believe that is going to happen. It doesn’t matter who you’re asking to… Something will change, for sure. Even if only within yourself.

(Text written in a few seconds, in the subway, after I observed someone ‘praying’)

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Filed under inner rhythm


“Observo e avalio com base na reacção…
Há demasiadas coisas que são analisadas pelo seu tom.
Esta cultura é universal e pertence a qualquer nação,
Mas não me canso de dizer que o que é nacional é bom!”

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Filed under inner rhythm


across the Nation,
pure elation
without annihilation.
the situation
in need of a new solution.
Not assassination,
certainly not suffocation.
We need mental invasion,
awareness in a station,
one level up
for all the population.”

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Filed under inner rhythm

Som de fundo

“Som de fundo,
Barulho profundo,
Agradável confusão,
Neste preenchido mundo.”

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Filed under inner rhythm

A Ponte

“Uma ponte recente
Sem rio, sem gente.
Parece abandonada,
Ninguém comenta a sua chegada.
Continua a ser passagem.
Tudo ocorre à sua margem.
Assim consigo entender
a razão de se fazer…
Existe uma ponte recente,
ligação permanente.”

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Filed under inner rhythm

Black Beauty

“Gliding through paper like a ghost
I leave a dark imprint
Wherever I am told to.
Black, the color of my marking
Beauty, what I leave behind
Words flowing like a black mane
Against the wind of change
Time, my prime rival
Constantly working against me
Ultimately and indubitably
Running out, fading
To be tossed away
For another to take my place
The endless cycle of a life,
A pen’s life.”

Ghizlane Damdami

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Filed under inner rhythm